Wednesday, May 7

Join my journey to a healthier life

by Natalie Sirois

As the new JCC Membership Director, I’m learning a lot about the unique goals so many of our members are working towards: healthier life, weight loss, new hobbies, more quality time with family.

Group fitness Body Pump
Like some of you, I am a woman embarking on a journey to get fit and live a healthier life.

I have three goals:

1. Learn more about the benefits of group exercise classes.

2. Meet and interact with more JCC members, whose stories could help inspire me.

3. Lose weight and get in shape.

So, my first order of business was to select group fitness classes that people most frequently inquire about at the center. Once I had made my selections and added the classes to my calendar, I explained the nature of my journey to other JCC members so they would help hold me accountable.

Here’s how my first week of workouts was scheduled:

Monday was morning dance with Cherri. I found the dance to be great fun and high energy. The movements didn’t really feel like exercise, but I was getting a great workout.

Tuesday was 12 p.m. Body Pump with Rachell. The class is a combination of cardio and weight training. In no time at all, I discovered how out of shape I am, but my classmates were welcoming, helpful and supportive. I felt a part of the group and didn’t feel at all uncomfortable.

Wednesday Body Attack at 4:30 p.m. with Leslie was my next exercise destination. This class really got me. It is super-charged, high-energy cardio that I had some trouble keeping up with. The instructor amazed me with her agility. I’ll get there one day.

Thursday was my final workout, Silver Sneakers Yoga with Mary at 1:15 p.m. Believe me; my muscles needed stretching after the week I had put them through. The class was exactly what I needed. (By the way, the class is not restricted to only Silver Sneaker members. Anyone can take it.)

In addition to exercising, I also monitored my caloric intake for the week. I’ll continue to do that and watch what I eat with the help of an app on my phone.

I began this journey weighing in at 179 pounds but hit the ground running.

I am happy to report that in the first week I lost 2 pounds. Not a bad start!

Stay tuned. There will be more of my journey to come.

Blogger Natalie Sirois is an multi-media artist and Oma (grandma). She is the JCC Indianapolis Membership Director. Although she does not get to do it often, she loves to ride her motorcycle as a stress reliever. She loves to laugh and act silly, because sense of humor is so important.  

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