by JCC Staff
We are about midway through the winter holiday season, and there are still plenty of opportunities as well as plenty of pressure to indulge with food.
It's not uncommon for people to experience weight fluctuations this time of year. Exercise routines are often disrupted by travel and other events while food portions typically increase and include more sweets.
All of this doesn't mean you have to experience an unhealthy holiday season. Here is some food for thought that can help you keep your weight in control.
tune your appetite by asking yourself:
- Am I really hungry? Many times we reach for food out of habit or boredom.
- Can I make a better choice? Substitute fruits and vegetables for indulgent snacks.
- Have I had enough water? Remember sometimes hunger can be mistaken for thirst. Reach for water first.
Learn how to look at food in
a different light.
- Instead of a cookie exchange think non-food exchanges, crafts make time spent memorable.
- Meet up with a friend for a walk or trip to the gym.
- Volunteer your time serving food at a local community event.
Have a game plan before you eat.
- Make your dinner plate a salad plate. By eating a smaller size, you can easily save 150-300 calories.
- Bring your own healthy dish to the party–this way you know you’ll have something healthy to eat.
- If drinking alcoholic beverages, drink 8 ounces of water before and after each drink.