Friday, July 12

Men’s Myths: The Truth About Men’s Health

by JCC Association and One Club

July is Men's Health Month, and we're taking the occasion to address myths surrounding health concerns of balding, low testosterone and depression.

Losing hair is normal but those with a family history of hair loss are 50% more likely to lose their hair.
Myth: Wearing hats or using hair dryers can cause baldness.
Fact: Causes of hair loss include age, family history, stress and poor diet. There is no evidence that hats or hair dryers cause baldness. Hereditary baldness can be treated with medication or hair transplant surgeries. If stress is the cause, working on alleviating daily stressors will help. Normal hair loss is less than 100 hairs a day.

Low testosterone can cause hair loss, decreased muscle mass, brittle bones and changes in mood.
Myth: Men will show signs and symptoms of low testosterone.
Fact: Men can have low testosterone without showing any of the signs of symptoms mentioned above. A reduction in testosterone can also be missed if signs are attribute to conditions such as diabetes and depression.

A note about depression:
Men often feel they must live up to society’s expectations of being tough when health issues arise. This can lead to illnesses going unchecked, including depression. In this country, more women suffer from depression, but 75-80% of all people who commit suicide are men. It’s extremely important for men to seek professional guidance if they feel depressed.

The information presented here is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult a physician before starting any exercise. We suggest that you discontinue exercise immediately if you feel you’re exercising beyond your current abilities.


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