by Katherine Matutes, Ph.D.
Vitamin D is often called the sunshine
vitamin, because humans have the ability to make vitamin D when sunlight shines
on the skin. Vitamin D is important for nerve function, hormone synthesis,
muscle contraction and it is imperative for the maintenance of strong bones.
Unfortunately, recent studies suggest
that many Americans don’t get enough sunlight to produce adequate Vitamin D for
optimum health and as we age we become less efficient at turning sunlight into Vitamin
Additionally, aging is often accompanied with an increase in intolerance to
lactose, the sugars found in milk and diary. To avoid the uncomfortable side
effects of lactose intolerance many individuals over 50 decrease their
consumption of milk and dairy, which are excellent sources of Vitamin D.
Side effects of low vitamin D status can
be depression, decreased cognitive function, weakened bones and an increased
risk of falling. Because Vitamin D is important for muscle contraction and bone
health, sub-optimal vitamin D levels can lead to more falls and poorer recovery
from a fall. Accidental falls are a leading cause of disability and death among
seniors so preventing falls and reducing risk factors for falls is very
So how can we get more Vitamin D? Great dietary
sources of Vitamin D are milk, dairy products, and oily fishes such as salmon
or tuna. Vitamin D supplements are an inexpensive and easy way to increase your
intake. According to the Institute of Medicine, 600- 800 IU of Vitamin D per
day is adequate for the senior population.
A simple blood test performed at the
doctor’s office can reveal your Vitamin D status, telling you whether you need
to take in more each day through supplements or your dietary decisions. A
discussion about the use of supplements with one’s physician and pharmacist is
always recommended.

More About Katherine Matutes, PhD
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