Tuesday, January 31

My Journey from 200 lbs Back to 150 lbs: January

by Craig Ervin
Isn’t it amazing how fast January has passed us by? Are you still on track with that ambitious fitness New Year’s resolution? It seem like many of you are because I couldn’t help but notice the hustle and bustle of energetic gym goers this month. I actually love this time of year in the fitness center. Who can resist the motivation felt by the atmosphere exuded by like-minded individuals? Go us!  (Yes, self patting on the back is perfectly fine at this moment!)
So what happens when the steam of the New Year begins to fade? Where do we find our source of motivation? Here are a few things that I’ve found that keep me going…
  • People watching! No, not people staring, but the act of observing those around me who share a common goal. I’m especially observant of those that try machines /exercises that I haven’t attempted. 
  • This one may be a no-brainer, but listening to good music while working out! I find that music with a high beat per minute is great for cardio. Slower music is great for my cool down. Weight lifting? Heavy metal all the way! In addition to listening to the music, I usually find myself mouthing the lyrics. I find this quite helpful towards the end of my cardio sessions when I’m really buckling down to burn those extra calories. 
  • Establishing a routine! I’ve given myself a roadmap. It’s easy for me to get lost in the myriad of machines in the Mordoh Fitness Center because I want to do everything. So, I focus on what my goal is and plan my workout accordingly. Personally, I like to do a ½ hr of cardio at the start of my workout. I follow this up with a 15-minute ab/stretch session on the mats. Finally, I tackle weights. My plan is that when I find myself getting into a rut I will hire one of the JCC’s personal trainers to help me establish a fresh routine.
Are you curious about how my motivational tactics have been aiding in my weight loss progress? In December I reported a weight loss of 9 lbs. I’ve lost an additional 9 lbs during the month of the January! 18 lbs down with 32 more to go to reach my goal!
So what keeps you motivated? Please share your comments below. I’m looking for extra tips and I bet more than a few others are too.
More about Craig Ervin

Thursday, January 26

The Doctor's Office: Healthcare Reform

by Frank J Klene, PT, DPT, CSCS
It’s time for a quick discussion on healthcare reform, something the media inundates us with every day. Stick with me, though – because what I have to say may save you some money (and hopefully the topic of money saving will keep you reading!).
Private practice in both physical therapy and physician practices are becoming fewer and fewer these days. More and more physicians and other healthcare providers are becoming hospital employees, which results in a large pool of physicians, nurses and physical therapists working under one umbrella.  Many times, physicians are encouraged to keep referrals “in-house,” limiting referrals to independent private practices such as my clinic Body One Physical Therapy.
This is something we have been able to overcome – primarily, in my opinion, due to our outstanding reputation with physicians and patients. Here are some tips for consumers: 
  • Patients should also be aware and take responsibility for their own healthcare.
  • Patients are entitled to utilize any physical therapy clinic they choose. I recommend talking with your physician, speaking with friends and family before choosing a specific physical therapy clinic.
  • It also needs to be noted that hospital based clinics have a higher reimbursement rate compared to private practices. This higher rate could be transferred to the physical therapist’s deductable, costing you, the consumer, more money!
For more information about the changing healthcare system and potential saving, check out a recent article called “Independent doctors fear loss of referrals” in the December 19-25 edition of the Indianapolis Business Journal (article preview can be read online here) that details how our clinic is adapting to the changing healthcare system – and how it may affect you as a consumer.  
More about Frank J Klene

Tuesday, January 24

Adding Arts as Part of My “Fab at 40” Mantra

by Kelly Young
I’ve been so focused on the fitness part of being “Fab at 40” that I’m afraid I’ve missed out on some really great things – mainly some amazing arts and culture experiences happening across the city. As many of us do this time of the year, I made a few New Year’s resolutions. One of them is to commit to add culture into my forte at 40.
Here are a few things I plan on doing. Do you have other suggestions on where and what I should do?
  • I just saw Radio Golf at the IRT last week and have tickets to see a friend perform in Company, a musical comedy at the Carmel Community Playhouse later this month, so I’m well on my way of being successful with this resolution. 
  • Kicking off my plan to check out some amazing art is the Super Bowl art exhibit, TURF. An exhibit said to be ‘fun, edgy and out there’ sounds like a great place for this 40-year-old to visit. I also read about the exhibit, Tal, Joani and JeffRothenberg: A Family’s Vision, taking place at the JCC in May. This exhibit is one I want the whole family to see. I think my kids will really enjoy seeing the world through the eyes of a talented 12-year-old (I know I am). 
  • Dance is also on my list of interested arts and culture experiences. I want to experience it by seeing it and also trying it. Dance Kaleidoscope and the Indianapolis Ballet are two organizations I plan to check into. I also plan on keeping my eyes on the JCCdance class schedule. Zumba and belly dancing are two that I’m interested in trying for fun and fitness (if I can find a friend to join me).
If you were to add arts and culture into your regular routine what would you add? Are there any arts and culture programs or events happening at the JCC you would recommend?
More about Kelly Young

Monday, January 9

Dancing to a Different Tune

by Lisa Freeman

The Ann Katz Festival of Books and Arts for 2011 is in my rear view mirror and what a year it was! From performance to workshops to authors speaking about subjects as diverse as water, autism and bullying, we celebrated another successful season. If you were in attendance at one or several of our events, I hope you learned something new or were moved to find out more information about a topic you weren't familiar with.

So now I am setting my sights toward our dance studio at the other end of the cultural arts wing. I can't think of anything more adorable than 3 and 4 year olds all decked out in pink tutus and ballet slippers twirling and giggling their way to their dance class.  In addition to developing their inner "fashionista," a splash of creativity, fitness and social skills are being developed at this tender young age. Come take a peek when our teeny ballerinas are moving and grooving to the beat after school.

And, did you know that dancing makes kids and adults smarter? Dancing integrates such brain processes as kinesthetic (movement), emotional, rational and musical connectivity. In a study funded by the National Institute on Aging, frequent dancing was a top physical activity in preserving mental acuity. Plus, it's a lot of fun!

When the winter blahs get you down, dig deep into your imagination and "travel" to another country by trying a Zumba! class. I dare you to stand still when you walk into the room! Journey to the Middle East, feel terrifically feminine and wear a jingly, jangly hip belt in a Belly Dance class - you can even dance barefoot!

For more information, contact Lisa Freeman, Arts and Education Program Coordinator at lfreeman@jccindy.org or 715-9240.

More About Lisa Freeman

Wednesday, January 4

16 Habits for Healthy Families

by Katherine Matutes, PhD

As a health and wellness professional, I am inundated daily with the latest research findings on how to keep your family healthy. As a mom, I sympathize with parents trying to wade through this advice and discern the most important issues to focus on. Below, I share the topics I make a priority for my family. Keep in mind that the Center for Disease Control lists cardiovascular disease and cancer as the leading causes of death in the US and this statistic shapes our health goals.

1. We eat a diet low in saturated fat by choosing lean sources of animal products and eating more fruits and veggies. (This is great for heart health and decreasing cancer risks. It also helps establish habits your kids will want to follow for the rest of their lives.)

2. Our kids get 60 minutes of physical activity everyday. (This means limiting computer and TV time. And as obesity rates continue to soar, it's becoming more important that our entire family follows this rule.)

3. We consume no foods with cancer promoting sodium nitrates. (Look for nitrate free lunch meats. Coleman’s is one such brand.)

4. Our meals are cooked with heart healthy extra virgin olive oil, canola oil or Smart Balance spread.

5. We all eat breakfast everyday. (Kids perform better in school and everyone’s metabolism is kept more consistent, and thus less likely to acquire extra weight.)

6. Our kids get 11 hours of sleep (they’re 7 and 10 years old), and my husband and I desperately try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. (This improves mood, patience, concentration, learning ability and decreases preponderance for weight gain.)

7. A wide variety of fruits and veggies gets incorporated into our diets every day. (This provides ample disease fighting phytonutrients, fiber and promotes food exploration.)

8. We eat omega-3 rich fishes twice per week. (We do this and take fish oil supplements daily for heart health. It also helps decrease inflammation.)

9. We eat dinner together at the table. (This is an opportunity for kids to be open about the events of their day and is a chance for us to casually model the type of eating behaviors you want your children to adopt. They may not eat the broccoli today or even tomorrow, but if they see you eating it they will eventually try it.)

10. We take Supplements to ensure adequate calcium and Vitamin D levels daily for bone health and a myriad of other health benefits.

11. The kids ALWAYS ride buckled in booster seats in the car. Motor vehicle injury is the leading cause of death for children. (Check-out the CDC website for height and weight guidelines www.cdc.gov/ncipc/factsheets/childpas.htm)

12. We have sweets or other “junk food” on occasion (And not just at parties and special events. This way they don’t become alluring, forbidden treats.)

13. Our kids drink only water, skim milk or one (3 oz.) serving of 100% juice per day. My husband and I drink water, coffee, tea and no more than 1-2 servings of alcohol per day. (1 serving is 1 ounce of liquor, 6 ounces of wine or 8 ounces of beer.)

14. Everyone is allowed some unstructured downtime each day. (We all need time to decompress, but especially the kids. They need time to use their imaginations and express their creativity and free will. Studies show kids allotted more free time become better problem solvers.)

15. Kisses and hugs are dispensed often! (Affection and bonding reduce blood pressure and produce “feel good” neurotransmitters that promote a sense of well-being. Children of affectionate families are generally better students and cope well with stress. And let's face it, hugs feel great!)

16. We eat a minimal amount of prepackaged and processed foods. The more fresh, whole ingredients the better! They are higher in nutrients, lower in calories and we avoid potentially harmful additives.

More About Katherine Matutes, PhD